Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Welcome to the inaugural posting of "Douche in DC". It's no secret that the majority of DC residents have relocated from other various parts of the country, creating a cultural melting pot like no other. The significant difference between the melting pot that is DC and the cultural collisions of other cities is the abundance of homogeneity in the city. Unfortunately, it is by-and-large, a homogeneous pot of douche.

Concentrated primarily on the Hill, the "Douche in DC" is now out in full force as the weathers warm, the interns are in town, and the freshly pressed seersucker suits have a resurgence. To sit idly by and allow this sociological phenomena to go by unrecorded would surely be a disservice to future generations of DCers and potential douches alike. Therefore, it will be the mission of this blog to visually and editorally record the occurences of Douche in DC. Photos of douchy-appearing men (and when appropriate, women...) will be featured, with a "Douche of the Week". Also, visitors are encouraged to log their own run-ins with Douchebaggery in the "Douche Move" portion of the blog.

Whether you hate pants with embriodered crabs or actually contracting crabs, feel free to submit photos, stories, and otherwise regale the tales of Douche in DC.

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